Published articles

Democracy and Markets in a Partially Globalized World: Local and Global Financial Market Responses to Elections in Developing Countries. 2024. International Studies Quarterly 68(2): sqae017.
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Global Banking and the Spillovers from Political Shocks at the Core of the World Economy (with Andreas Kern). 2022. Review of International Organizations 17(4): 717–749.
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Sovereign Risk and Government Change: Elections, Ideology and Experience (with Sarah M. Brooks & Layna Mosley). 2022. Comparative Political Studies 55(9): 1501–1538.
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Signal Received? Authoritarian Elections and the Salience of Autocrats (with Paul Schuler and Scott Williamson). 2022. Electoral Studies 76: 102441.
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Categories, Creditworthiness, and Contagion: How Investors’ Shortcuts Affect Sovereign Debt Markets (with Sarah M. Brooks & Layna Mosley). 2015. International Studies Quarterly 59(3): 587–601.
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Survival Analysis of Faculty Retention and Promotion in the Social Sciences by Gender (with Jan Box-Steffensmeier et al.). 2015. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0143093.
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Negociações Comerciais em uma Economia Fechada: O Brasil e o Comércio de Serviços na Rodada Uruguai [Trade Negotiations in a Closed Economy: Brazil and Trade in Services in the Uruguay Round]. 2015. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional 58(1): 142–163.
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As Relações Econômicas Internacionais do Governo Geisel (1974–1979) [International Economic Relations of the Geisel Administration (1974–1979)] (with Rogério Farias). 2011. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional 54(2): 46–69.
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Preferências Domésticas e Instituições do Processo Decisório em Política Econômica Externa [Domestic Preferences and Institutions in Foreign Economic Policymaking]. 2009. Dados 52(4): 871–910.
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Generalized System of Preferences in General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade/World Trade Organization: Historical Background and Current Issues (with Norma B. dos Santos & Rogério Farias). 2005. Journal of World Trade 39(4): 637–670.
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Working papers

When Volatility Begins at Home: Globalization, Elections, and Financial Market Volatility in Emerging Markets [ Preprint PDF ]

Financial Globalization and Corporate Political Contributions: Firm-Level Evidence from Brazil

Financial Markets and Mass Political Attitudes: Evidence from the 2022 Brazilian Election (with Sarah Brooks and Layna Mosley) [ IPES 2023 Paper ]

Why Oppose Foreign Investment? Survey Experimental Evidence from India (with Quintin Beazer, Daniel Blake, and Srividya Jandhyala) [ IPES 2023 Paper ]

Landslide Elections and Stock Market Volatility: Why Markets Swing Even After Electoral Blowouts (with Paul Schuler)